The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

简介     总统义工奖是美国政府颁发并承认的、全国性的志愿者奖励,分为年度奖和终身奖(具体奖项及评奖标准见下文)。获得总统义工奖,是最有权威性的社区志愿服务证明之一。     The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national award issued and recognized by the federal government of the United States of American. PVSA includes annual and lifetime awards (please refer to the Award criteria below for a full list of PVSA awards). PVSA is one of the most authoritative proof of your participation in community volunteering services.

    The Southern California Community Safety Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) obtained the President’s Volunteer Service Award Certification on January 1, 2024, qualifying as a certified entity for recording volunteer service hours and applying for the President’s Volunteer Service Award on behalf of its volunteers. We encourage members of the Foundation and community members to actively volunteer their services to the Foundation and the community, contributing to the betterment of both the Foundation and the community. Together, we strive to enhance our personal and organizational visibility and sense of belonging.

    This award is calculated based on accumulated hours over a period of 12 months. It is divided into different levels, aiming to recognize every milestone in volunteer service. The levels include Bronze, Silver, Gold, and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award, which is granted to those who have contributed over 4000 hours in their lifetime.

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